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Join us for a Thursday Tech Talk at Helix Lab!

Industry 4.0. Bioprocessing. Sustainability. These are terms widely used around the Biotech City as Scandinavia’s largest biomanufacturing cluster. In addition, they serve as the themes of the Thursday Tech Talks, where field experts are invited to share and update everyone…


Join the first ever Sustainable Biosolutions Symposium

Knowledge Hub Zealand, Danish Life Science Cluster, Greater Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Copenhagen University (KU) are hosting the first of its kind Sustainable Biosolutions Symposium – economically funded by Erhvervshus Sjælland.   Read more about the…


Alliancen Biotekbyen indvies officielt

15 aktører på tværs af Biotekbyen Kalundborg indgår i et unikt partnerskab, hvor lokale virksomheder, uddannelsesinstitutioner og offentlige aktører samarbejder for i fællesskab at understøtte og styrke byens industri, uddannelsesmuligheder og den grønne omstilling.   Kalundborg-modellen Samarbejdet på tværs af…

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