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Open House

April 26th, 2-4 pm, Helix Lab or online, Campus Kalundborg 3, 4400 Kalundborg

Join the Open House event to learn more about the new Industry Master’s degree programme from DTU, which will be available in Kalundborg from September.

Learn about the study programme, meet the companies offering to combine a part-time job with an Industry Master of Science in Engineering within Biomanufacturing, and find out how it is to work, live and study in Kalundborg.

There will be a bus driving from DTU to Kalundborg and return.

Departure from DTU at 12.15 pm
Departure from Kalundborg at 4 pm

Read about Industry MSc in Engineering Biomanufacturing


  • The study program and how to apply by DTU
  • What to expect as an employee in Novo Nordisk, NNE and Novozymes.
  • What is it like to work, live and study in the Biotech City
  • Time to talk to the companies and DTU – Online participants can chat with DTU and company representatives.

Participate online here

Sign up now

About the Industry Master of Science in Engineering within Biomanufacturing

Become both a part-time engineer and a part-time student.

As a student at DTU’s new 4-year part-time study line, you will be employed at a chemical or biochemical production company while completing your master’s degree in Biomanufacturing. You will need to apply for both the programme at DTU and a job in a relevant company.

As a student enrolled in this programme, you will gain the newest knowledge taught by leading experts and professors AND you get to play an essential part in the fast-expanding industry of chemical and biochemical production.

The programme will provide you with the skills to work with everything from modern medicine to new ingredients for food and feed or the sustainable development of the energy and agricultural sectors.

When you can call yourself Industry Msc in Engineering within Biomanufacturing, you have gained an innovative mindset and a wide, well-founded engineering knowledge as well as you will be:

  • An expert on process thinking
  • An expert on working with chemistry and biochemistry on an industrial scale
  • Able to run a factory
  • Able to work with all industrial processes – from development and improvements to embedding new technology and digitalized optimizations.

Read more about the Biomanufacturing study line at DTU

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