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New round of Tech Talks coming up

Do you have your first Tech Talk experience coming to you? Or do you just like to continuously become inspired?   Tech Talks are for you, if you have an interest in industry 4.0, bioprocessing, and sustainability. This fall, you…


Sustainable Power-to-X production in Kalundborg

In September 2023, local companies and project partners in the PtX Cluster Zealand project joined to discuss the potentials of sustainable PtX production in Region Zealand and Kalundborg. Kalundborg Symbiosis invited for the workshop adding a local perspective focusing on…


New project turns waste to protein

Local, Kalundborg-based partners, Unibio and Knowledge Hub Zealand, engage in the new research project, PROFIT, that has received a 10.7 million DKK funding from Innovation Fund Denmark.   𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝 PROFIT aims at developing a sustainable solution…


Ny uddannelse i Kalundborg kommer flyvende fra start

425 ansøgere. 36 Optaget. Tallene taler for sig selv. Arkitektuddannelsen i Kalundborg har allerede inden opstart cementeret sin status i byen.   samme uddannelseskrav - med lokal forankring De nye studerende er udvalgt blandt i alt 425 ansøgere til uddannelsen…


Karrieremesse trak fulde huse

Karrieremessen blev etableret på baggrund af den enorme vækst, der er i Kalundborg. I 2022 blev der skabt over 1200 nye jobs, og væksten forventes at fortsætte.   Biotekbyens vækst betyder et markant og stigende behov for arbejdskraft. Vi huser allerede…


Kalundborg står med nøglen til nyt dansk væksteventyr

Nyt dansk væksteventyr udspringer i Kalundborg Potentialet for integration af teknologisektorer kan revolutionere udviklingen af bæredygtige produktionsmetoder. Vi står med andre ord foran døren til det næste danske væksteventyr, og Kalundborg holder nøglen, viser ny rapport, som er publiceret den…


Celebrating our local business community

Every year, Kalundborg Business Council hosts an Award Show to bring focus to all of those local actors who continuously make a positive difference for our shared business community by lifting it to new standards every day. Our community would…


Open House & BBQ

Join Open House & BBQ to learn more about University College Absalon's education programs in Kalundborg.   Grab a bite to eat, meet current students and teachers, and learn more about: Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology / Diplomingeniør i Bioteknologi…


10 new resource streams added to Kalundborg’s ecosystem

Kalundborg Symbiosis demonstrates how strategic public-private partnerships through close, trustful collaboration facilitate growth and sustainable development accelerating the green transition.   Sustainable partnerships to reduce environmental footprint The establishment of the 10 new resource streams marks an important milestone for…

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